Thunderbird empowers global professionals to shape the landscapes impacting their enterprises by developing future-ready skills and connecting them to a network of diverse, global experts.
Now is the greatest moment to embrace the benefits and understand the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The world requires leaders with creativity, ingenuity, and resilience. Thunderbird, and its network of partners, provides cutting-edge programs that deliver these global leaders.
Thunderbird delivers the very best programming for maximum impact in six specific, cross-cutting focus areas:
- Effectively (and ethically) Engaging the Emerging 21st Century World
- Global Leadership and Functional Capabilities for the 4IR
- Global Circular Economy and Sustainability
- Global Mindset, Diversity, Inclusion, and Resilience
- Global Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship
- Everyday Leadership and Professional Skills
Thunderbird Executive Education prepares professionals for global leadership at the highest levels. Our program equips participants with strategic insights, interdisciplinary leadership skills, and a deep understanding of the global management principles and practices needed to drive growth and efficiency in a high-performing international organization.