Thunderbird Newsroom

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Time to Break Free The Supermajors and the Icarus Paradox

by Thunderbird Professors Andrew Inkpen, Michael Moffett, and Kannan Ramaswamy Energy, Oil & Gas Magazine, page 5
Long before the predatory Saudi Arabian oil production attach and Covid-19 there were signs of trouble in the global oil industry.
Faculty News

A new MBA is an asset in a tough jobs market

Financial Times (Photo © Yuya Shino/Reuters)
The coronavirus pandemic has created a double blow for graduating MBA students because they were also unable to celebrate on campus alongside...
Academic Programs

A Message from Thunderbird's Director General and Dean

Thunderbird School of Global Management
As a Thunderbird and a global citizen, I promise: I will strive to act with honesty and integrity, I will respect the rights and dignity of all people...
Global Impact and Engagement

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